Ethical and legal requirement specification

This deliverable gives an overview on different requirements and aspects that need to be taken into account during the development of the KRAKEN system, in particular in the work of WP3 (SSI), WP4 (Crypto technologies) and WP5 (Marketplace). The explication of these requirements is only a first step, and the implementation of these requirements has to follow during the project time. The agile approach which KRAKEN uses demands that the requirements will be included in ongoing development work.

A first step has been made by the interaction with the Product Owners of the three main scrum teams and a first selection of possibly relevant GDPR requirements for the scrum teams. Many requirements are more organizational than technical and will therefore depend on the organizational approach which KRAKEN would take in a real-life implementation. Nevertheless, requirements and considerations which can be approached during the technical development will be as far as possible implemented in the KRAKEN system by a close collaboration of the different partners of the project.

Deliverable Number
Work Package
WP7 Ethical and Legal compliance